The graph of critical pairs of a crown,
Order 36 (2019), 621 - 652 (with F. Barrera-Cruz, R. Garcia,
P. Harris, B. Kubik, S. Talbott, H. C. Smith and L. Taylor)).
Online Linear Discrepancy,
in An Irregular Mind, Szemeredi is 70, I. Baranyi and J. Solymosi, eds.,
Bolyai Soc. Mathematical Studies, Vol. 20 (2010), 343 - 357
(with M. T. Keller and N. Streib.
Interval Partitions and Stanley Depth,
J. Combinatorial Theory, A, 117 (2010), 475 - 482
(with C. Biro, D. M. Howard, M. T. Keller
and S. Y. Young).
Segment orders,
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 43 (2010), 680 - 704
(with C. Biro).
Bar k -Visibility Graphs,
J. Graph Algorithms and Applications, 11 (2007), 45 - 59
(with A. Dean, W. Evans, E. Gethner, J. Laison and M. Safari).
Spanning trees of bounded degree,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 8 (2001)
no. 1, Research Paper 33
(with A. Czygrinow, G. Fan, G. Hurlbert and H. A. Kierstead).
Ramsey theory and partially ordered sets,
in Contemporary Trends in Discrete
Mathmatics, R. L. Graham, et al., eds., Dimacs
Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer
Science 49 (1999), 337--347.
On-line graph coloring,
in On-Line Algorithms , L. McGeoch and D. Sleator,
eds., DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical
Computer Science (1992) 85-92
(with H. Kierstead).
Interval orders and shift graphs,
in Sets, Graphs and Numbers , A. Hajnal
and V. T. Sos, eds., Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos
Bolyai 60 (1991) 297-313
(with Z. Furedi, P. Hajnal and V. Rodl).
A note on removable pairs,
in Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Applications, Vol. 2 ,
Y. Alavl et al., eds., John Wiley (1991), 739-742
(with H. Kierstead).
Unit distances in the euclidean plane,
in Graph Theory and Combinatorics, B. Bollobas, ed.,
Academic Press (1984), 293-303
(with J. Spencer and E. Szemeredi).
Tolerance graphs,
Discrete Applied Math. 8 (1984), 157-170
(with C. Monma and M. Golumbic).
Dimension theory for ordered sets,
in Proceedings of the Symposium on Ordered Sets, I. Rival et al., eds.,
Reidel Publishing (1982), 171-212
(with D. Kelly).